Wednesday, October 08, 2003 ( 12:28 AM ) Christina Well, thank god THAT'S over with. I don't want to hear any more about politics for the next five freaking years or so. Thank you. ~Selynne ;-}~ # Thursday, September 18, 2003 ( 1:12 AM ) Christina Wow, it's been a long time since we last updated this site. Shame on us. I guess we've both been too distracted by the myriad of other things going on in our lives. Plus, in this era not only of Blogs but of things like LiveJournal, I've come to realize that I am not one of those people who can post endlessly and blather on about the mindless minutae of my daily life. Not that I don't blather anyway, obviously, but I just don't have the desire to share that much of myself with the rest of the world. Plus, I doubt that any of you out there are too terribly interested. ;-) Okay, okay, vague minutae... just got back from camping this past weekend in Sequoia National Park. Had a great time, saw seven bears, countless deer, and even a mountain lion (and I don't mean that we saw them behind bars or in an exhibit, I mean that they walked past our campsite, car, and various hiking trails we were on). Which was pretty cool. Mountain lions are usually impossible to see, and this was the first time I've ever seen a bear (actually two, a mother and cub) in all the years I've been camping up there. And bears are a HUGE issue in that particular national park. You have to keep ALL of your food in a bear box, along with anything whatsoever that smells. Otherwise you might have a large furry visitor at 3am in your tent who is overly interested in that empty bubble gum wrapper you left in the pocket of your jeans buried at the bottom of your suitcase. So, yah. We had a veritable streak of animal-sighting-madness this year. What else...? Oh, how can I forget the recall debacle here in my dear home state? For god's sake, it's insane. Governor Doofus absolutely MUST be drop-kicked from office, there is no doubt in my mind, so this blatantly racist ACLU thing is driving me up the wall. Plus, we just got our sample ballots in the mail and were having loads of fun reading all of the various candidate's statements. Nothing from Arnold (oddly enough, unless I missed it), but I was seriously considering voting for the guy who was planning on "breaking the Seventh Seal and bringing about Armageddon" once he was elected. Or there's always the television comedy writer who promises to solve all of CA's problems within 24 minutes (including two commercial breaks and hugs all around at the end). I think I should save this ballot, it might be worth something someday... And now there's this weird cold/stomach flu bug going around in my family that I am trying my absolute damndest to avoid. I hate the stomach flu. My father and I are the only ones left who haven't gotten sick yet, and I'm starting to get a little nervous. And for this we can thank my brother-in-law, who just got a job teaching history at one of the local high schools up here and promptly brought home this year's first mutant flu bug. So please, for the love of god and my stomach, wish me luck!! So - there you go. Little update, little filler, now we can all be happy. ~Selynne >;-}~ # Monday, July 14, 2003 ( 1:14 AM ) Christina Well, I saw "Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" tonight, and wow. GREAT fun summer movie!! I highly recommend it, and I'm ready to go see it again. Johnny Depp (sp? never paid attention to the spelling of his name before) was absolutely terrific as Jack Sparrow (who is a great character, btw), and of course, the incredibly attractive and wonderful Orlando Bloom was quite good as well. *g* I thought the whole thing was really fun and well done. And of course, the fact that I've been a huge fan of the "Pirates Of The Caribbean" ride at Disneyland since I was about four doesn't hurt matters, either. ;-) It's always been my favorite attraction there; they've created such an atmosphere around it that even standing in line is fun. And there were actually several scenes in the film that were taken directly from the ride itself, like Jack whistling at the dog for the keys to his cell. There were also some good quotes to be had in this movie, if only I could remember them... lol And - hey! New Blogger interface! I like! ~Selynne ;-) (the easily impressed) # Monday, May 26, 2003 ( 7:54 PM ) Christina Happy Memorial Day to all of our fellow Americans! And don't forget the real reason you got to eat bar-b-que tonight. ~Selynne ;-) # Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ( 1:35 AM ) Christina Updates, Plural Firstly, let's all wish Torra A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! {{HUGS}} Secondly, here's yet another quick rundown of certain vaguely interesting and/or current goings on in my life. It's quick because I don't have the time or energy right now to pound out a long diatribe (guess I got all of that out a few months back). ;-) Anyway: I am an Auntie for the second time over! My nephew (with the unfortunate name) was born this past Thursday morning at 8:13 am, weighing in at 9lbs, 7 oz. And more than a week overdue. My poor sister. LOL He's a cutie though, and we're all thoroughly in love with the little guy, who's only 5 days old. Of course, his big sister (by 2 1/2 years) isn't too overly impressed, but she's getting used to the idea. Went to the local county fair tonight with my mom, got to see CCR (Creedence Clearwater) in concert live. They were VERY good and I actually had a GREAT time, which shocked the hell out of me because...well, long story, but Torra will know what I'm talking about. Suffice it to say that I had High School CCR Infomercial Scarring and leave it at that. Yah. And as for the Bon Jovi concert: I WILL recap that eventually. I swear. But, in the meantime....My favorite quote from the concert? "I'm sweating like a hooker in church!" (this from the lead singer of the Goo Goo Dolls, whose name I can't spell, to the crowd in the middle of performing). One of my favorite images? Jon dancing across the stage during one of the latter numbers, wearing a black hat someone in the audience had given him with the words "FRANCE SUCKS" written across it. ROTFL Coolest moment? When the Bon Jovi Official Site recently POSTED one of the pictures I took during the concert (and then submitted to them). Is that freaking cool or what?! ~Selynne ;-) # |