Monday, July 14, 2003
      ( 1:14 AM ) Christina  

Well, I saw "Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" tonight, and wow. GREAT fun summer movie!! I highly recommend it, and I'm ready to go see it again. Johnny Depp (sp? never paid attention to the spelling of his name before) was absolutely terrific as Jack Sparrow (who is a great character, btw), and of course, the incredibly attractive and wonderful Orlando Bloom was quite good as well. *g* I thought the whole thing was really fun and well done. And of course, the fact that I've been a huge fan of the "Pirates Of The Caribbean" ride at Disneyland since I was about four doesn't hurt matters, either. ;-) It's always been my favorite attraction there; they've created such an atmosphere around it that even standing in line is fun. And there were actually several scenes in the film that were taken directly from the ride itself, like Jack whistling at the dog for the keys to his cell. There were also some good quotes to be had in this movie, if only I could remember them... lol

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~Selynne ;-)
(the easily impressed)



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